Saturday, February 23, 2008


Sometimes, when I am in such a condition of stress, I become doubting several things I chose in life. Whether it leads to a better end or not. Tons of choices make life become so troublesome to predict. Yet, in such of this labile mood, I don't know what to do, since changing means to choose. And choosing means that there is no change in the move. And it becomes loop of unconsciousness. What a pity.

So, for some points I met, I do realize that the best choice (choose again!), so far, is to let it go. Life isn't flow, it's upstream. But let the boat do its effort, don't do much intervention. Most of the times, it only doubles the pain.

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Yeah, just let the process go on its natural path, and let see what's waiting upfront. Worrying doesn't give any solution. A traveler has to believe on himself, and I do, I hope I do.

To be or not to be, that is the question. (on Hamlet)

Painful...I want to be awaken. Enlightened. And I don't want any candles, I want to become the candle. Even with the slightest intensity. Ya Allah, please, give me Your guidance...

Hopefully be certain. And wishfully be originated. ASAP. Amin.

-Happy recess-

Phuong Ha - Image Invertion
Courtesy of AAPT 2007

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pendaftaran dan Perekrutan Subcomm PINTU 6

Salam PINTU,

Sebelumnya kami memohon maaf, dengan pertimbangan teknis, kami memundurkan jadwal perekrutan subcomm menjadi pada tanggal 20 - 22 Februari 2008. Sesuai dengan email sebelumnya, berikut kami daftarkan portofolio PINTU yang membuka lowongan untuk posisi Subcomm beserta dengan kapasitas dan jobscope-nya.


1. Divisi Humas (6)

ü Membantu menjaga hubungan dengan komunitas-komunitas lain yang terdapat di Singapura, seperti PINUS, SMUKI, dan INSIM.

ü Membantu menghubungkan PINTU 6 dengan SAO (Bersama dengan IUC)

ü Mengkoordinir fungsional dari Hall IC (Selengkapnya liat tugas dari hall IC)

ü Mengkoordinir penjemputan freshie, penyelesaian urusan administrasi freshie, dan pembuatan Brosur PINTU untuk dibagikan kepada freshie. (Yang dulunya merupakan jobscope PR GTD)

ü Liaise dengan ISC dan OAD sehubungan dengan masalah kedatangan dan administrasi freshie (Yang dulunya merupakan jobscope PR GTD)

ü Menjadi jembatan komunikasi antara masyarakat PINTU dan komite PINTU

ü Membantu Komite Utama PINTU 6 Divisi Hubungan Masyakat pada masa jabatannya

*Jobscope Hall IC (40 orang -- Perekrutan menyusul)*

o Menjemput freshie setibanya mereka di Hall.

o Membantu freshie mengurus administrasi setibanya di NTU.

o Promosikan kegiatan2 PINTU (GTD, Indosem, T-Spray).

o Membantu freshie membeli kebutuhan pribadi (Simcard).

o Memperbaharui data anggota PINTU.

o Bertanggung jawab atas pendistribusian BUNTU.

2. Divisi Usaha (3)

Bersama-sama membantu dan mandampingi Maincomm divisi usaha pintu dalam rangka mencari dana baik melalui sponshorship maupun usaha pendanaan lainnya.


Ø Pengalaman di bidang pencarian sponsorship yang tidak bisa ditemukan di divisi lainnya.

Ø Menambah skill negosiasi dan skill komunikasi, langsung dengan manajer banyak perusahaan.

Ø Sering jalan-jalan keliling Singapura (buat ke perusahaan).

Ø Pengalaman di wirausaha,karena divisi usaha tidak hanya berurusan dengan sponsor, tapi divisi usaha juga mengurusi pendanaan non-sponsor misalnya penjualan exam wishes.

Ø Banyak temen.... Divisi usaha PINTU bakalan join and kerja bareng divisi usaha event-event lain yang diselenggarakan PINTU misalnya GTD dan T-SPRAY.

3. Divisi Olahraga (3)

O Membantu menyukseskan klub olahraga dalam berbagai event:

a. Mengontrol latihan rutin tiap klub.

b. Menginventaris segala inventaris klub.

O Mempersiapkan dan menjaring bakat-bakat dari freshie-freshie mendatang dengan mengadakan survey pada GTD 10.

O Membantu terlaksananya T-SPRAY 2008.

O Membantu terlaksananya pertandingan persahabatan dengan klub luar( NUS).

O Mempersiapkan malam apresiasi untuk atlet-atlet IG 2008.

4. Divisi Rekreasi (6)

v Membantu menyelenggarakan PINDOL.

v Membantu membangkitkan kembali dan mengurus RADIO PINTU.

v Membantu menyelenggarakan Festival Games PINTU.

v Membantu menjalankan program pembuatan film PINTU.

v Membantu mengurus klub anggota rekreasi, yaitu: Othello, Scrabble, Counter Strike, Dota dan International Chess.

5. Divisi Solidaritas (4)

Membantu pelaksanaan program kerja dan pencarian dana divisi solidaritas. Program kerja divisi solidaritas berupa Back To School Edu Promo, GNOTA, dan beberapa program lainnya.

6. Divisi Sejati - Kesejahteraan dan Logistik (2)

§ Akomodasi Acara (Event Accomodation)

§ Konsumsi (Welfare Consumption)

§ Pengorganisasi Acara (Event Organizer)

§ Logistik (Logistics)

§ Inventarisasi (Inventory)

7. Divisi Media dan Informasi (11-13)

  • Redaksi (6)

Bagi kamu-kamu yang punya ide-ide kreatif dan hobi sama yang namanya menulis. Ingin nulis sesuatu yang bisa bikin orang terinspirasi, nambah ilmu, hingga bikin ngakak sampe perutnya sakit? Atau bikin teka-teki yang kreatif? Humor yang lucu maupun jayus? Jabatan ini passss banget buat kamu!

  • Ilustrator (2)

Kamu-kamu yang dianugerahi bakat menggambar dengan tangan (ya iya lah dengan tangan :D) secara manual maupun di tablet PC, apalagi kalo bisa bikin gambar yang lucu, bikin ngakak, dan tidak tertutup kemungkinan buat yang jayus-jayus.

  • Fotografer / Videografer (1 atau 2)

Nah, kamu-kamu yang doyan pake kamera (foto maupun video), berbakat dalam mengambil sudut-sudut yang pas bahkan buat ngebuat Tukul jadi keliatan seperti Brad Pitt, atau *****(censored) keliatan seganteng Leonardo Di Caprio, maka kamu orang yang tepat! Lebih bagus lagi kalo kamu punya kamera sendiri, jangan minjem, apalagi nyolong.

  • Desainer (1 atau 2)

Buat kamu-kamu yang hobinya duduk berjam-jam depan komputer, ngutak-utik tulisan yang keliatan ngebosenin hingga bisa bikin orang tercengang ngeliatnya saking keren hasilnya. Lebih mantap lagi kalo kamu juga suka make yang namanya Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Ilustrator®, atau Corel® Draw®. Mantap!

  • Pengurus Situs (1)

Nah, ini pekerjaan yang pas buat kamu yang punya dedikasi tinggi. Doyan ngecek website hingga jadi lebih sering daripada buka lecture notes, selalu setia untuk memberi update berita seputar PINTU, cinta mati hingga ngejadiin jadi default page di komputermu, nah kamu bener-bener kami butuhkan!

8. Divisi Pendidikan (3)

Subcomm akan bekerja sama dengan Maincomm dalam melaksanakan program kerja divisi pendidikan.

Pendaftaran untuk jabatan-jabatan tersebut di atas dapat dilakukan secara online dengan mengakses:


Rabu – Jum’at

20 – 22 Februari 2008

Pukul 20.0 – 22.30 (bisa japri untuk waktu lain)

Kantin A (dekat Water Cooler)

Partisipasi seluruh warga PINTU sangat diharapkan demi tercapainya kesuksesan seluruh program PINTU yang telah dipersiapkan. Mari bersama-sama kita berkontribusi!


Ridwan Salim Sanad

Divisi Media dan Informasi

PINTU Periode Ke-6

SG +65 93555813 Call

~PINTU di hatiku, di hatimu, di hati kita semua.~

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I (Do) Love Omelette

In the past straight three days, three things that stick on me are homeworks, laptop, and omelette. Since the former two aren't that kind of interesting to describe, especially the first one, let me just go straight to the third.

Since thursday, exactly on wednesday afternoon, NTU has got holiday due to the Chinese New Year Celebration. It would continue until Sunday, when I will finally rush back to do several homeworks left on my desk, ups, under my desk. Actually, it should be some kind of interesting to be gotten, four days straight of dizzy and free days without the word assignment, quiz, and of course tutorial, for some people, with some extend.

But, this idea gone a bit (only a bit :p) to astray since the consequence of the holiday, this particular holiday, is the closing of all the canteens inside NTU. I don't know about the outside, but since my wallet has gone slimmer through these days, eating outside campus of course is a 20th something priority.

Fortunately, my roomie has installed (placed) a fridge, small one, inside our room, since the end of the previous semester. So, it shouldn't be a problem for me to full it with several food-stuff to prepare for cooking. And I am luckier than my friend, who has got a fridge, but he remembers more about assignment, maybe, than about no-canteen-open-on-CNY, so he left out with empty fridge, and fortunately (sorry, lev :d) with emptying gas burner in the pantry. So, lets hope he survives 'till Monday.

And these three days my menu isn't far away from omelette. Crunchy fried noodles with omelette, double sausage with omelette, and fried noodles, again, with omelette. My favorite topping is sausage. Just makes me remember about a manga I read several months back called Omelette - not important. However, this choice, rather than because I do really love omelette, it is more because I have no choice. Well, my cooking skill isn't that good to splash eggs, sausages, and spices into something edible.

Well, besides the fact that this holiday the OC - better to keep its continuation as a secret to keep the safety of some people here - again, destroy most pantries in NTU with their jerky stinky waste left out after whatever they cooked there, also in my block's pantry - on the other hall, due to the report by Mr.B, the ambulance bringing their corpse has just passed by (you'll understand this more if you know who is Mr.B and what he can do, precisely) - lets hope I don't get mad with omelette if tomorrow night I have to eat the same thing. If it does, I must download a recipe then. :D

nb: The picture I attached is the best omelette I made so far, sorry for the inconvenience by its 'good' looking :p.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Five months live in NTU has made me more and more know about this university. Right know, each step I spend here, gives me a relieving breath, a grateful feeling that I ever step into this i-feel-like-a-dream-to-enter university. For sure, it is one of the never-imagined gift from Allah to me.

Entering NTU means I meet so many new possibilities. To be success, to be happy , to be a better man. No, not that shallow definition of success by grades, works, money. More than that. Given many new opportunities. Meet many new people. Open mind. Be closer, even inch by inch, to my dream. I do really hope to use this destiny to the fullest. Wish that, someday, when I am looking back into my life today, I will be grateful that I choose this university.

Between lots of tutorial questions that marked unlike the other course, assignments, weekly lab reports, tons of skipped lecture, I do really want to live my life to the fullest! Friends, Bros, Profs, I won't waste this opportunity! I promise!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Your future lies on each footstep you spend. Every second is invaluable, each one of it can change the future, not only yours, a lot. Then, why do you waste time? Why do you treat it as a cheap matter? Well, thousand reasons can be created to justify yourself, but in the end, the one who hurt most, believe me, it's you.

Sometimes I wonder, very much, why do I tend to lose time so easily? Why do I waste tons of it? Even I know the suspect very well, which is my own attitude, but it seems that I'm miles away from the practical solution, which includes not only will and the path, but also a strong determination and an unflinching effort. What a big requirement.

Many things are there to be improved, but the most urgent is time management, which is extremely simple, maybe, for some other people, but not on me. It needs more than just a will. It's expensive. Adjuring, right to my skin.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Sometimes, in your daily-boring routine life, you'll find someday, which you could see it as a bright one. Become special, as you seen to the past days you left, those days that left with a regret. Yeah, you must ever find this exploding day. Full of unexpected success, the one which you at the beginning look as a very small bulls eye to be shot. But it done then. Subhanallah.

But the one which you have to be worrying about is that the next days after this tremendous explode of exultation. As the most dangerous part of it lies on the ignorant after you reach some success, even the small one. You become feel more about yourself and forget about the sloppy thing, life is not a straight line. It can be a sinusoidal curve, circle, or even an exponential one. It's troublesome.

So, the point you should aware is your original orientation. To create an aim is easy. The problem lies on the part of protecting it. Be considerate.